Home > Musical Instrument > Strings > Violins > Zimtown 4/4 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8 Acoustic Violin Fiddle with Hard Case, Bow, Rosin Full Size
Zimtown 4/4 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8 Acoustic Violin Fiddle with Hard Case, Bow, Rosin Full Size

Zimtown 4/4 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8 Acoustic Violin Fiddle with Hard Case, Bow, Rosin Full Size

Zimtown 4/4 3/4 1/2 1/4 1/8 Acoustic Violin Fiddle with Hard Case, Bow, Rosin Full Size
SKU: Z2-Y00272
5.0 15 5
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If the strings are loose when you received, you need to adjust it. Please loosen the strings slightly , and slide the bridge to the below of the strings .( Don't make it too tight, since the strings are easy to break).
The correct tightening principle is the spacing between the bow hair and the bottom of the bow rod is just the thickness of pencil.
Note: inorder to reduce the effects of sweat, the neck is without paint.

1. Violin Color: White
2. Weight: 48.18oz / 1366g
3. Size: 4/4
4. Rosin Dimensions: (1.89 x 1.22 x 0.63)" L x W x H
5. Panel Dimensions: (14.02 x 8.27 x 2.76)" L x W x H
6. Bow Length: 29.13" 
7. Violin Dimensions: (23.43 x 8.27 x 2.76)" L x W x H
8. Case Dimensions: (31.30 x 10.04 x 4.72)" L x W x H

9. Base Material:Basswood&Maple&Arbor&Aluminium Alloy

 Package Includes:
1 x New 4/4 White Acoustic Violin + Case+ Bow + Rosin



1. When you receive the violin, please notice that the bridge is wrapped in paper and stowed underneath the tailpiece. Don't discard it. It should be installed in the middle of the two F Holes.

2. When you receive the bow and the hairs are loose, don't worry. Use the screw to tighten the frog so that the hair has tautness.

3. When you find that part of the bow hair is broken, it is normal, please cut off the broken part and the bow can be used normally.

4. Be careful to not over tighten your bow. The hair should have a slight bounce to it without touching the stick after placing it on the strings. Usually about 1/4 of an inch distance from the low point of the curve to the hair is ideal.

5. Hold the rosin with your index finger and thumb, and thus tighten up the bow, evenly smear the rosin on the bowstring up and down. Suggested use: before smearing, rip a trace on rosin to make it powdery for quick and even smearing. Try to keep your hands away from rosin or pad with a tissue while smearing; otherwise it will become too sticky to clean.

6. If the string falls out, don't worry, it can be reinstalled, please consult customer service.

  • 4/4 size, suitable for kids who are 12 yrs or older
  • Come equipped with violin case, rosin, and bow
  • The head, back and sides of violin are made from composite wood


  • Manufacturer Part Number Does Not Apply
  • Color White
  • Finish 4/4 size fit for kids 12+ or adult
  • Material Basswood;Aluminium Alloy;Maple;Blacked Wood;Arbor
  • Instrument Acoustic Violin
  • Is Portable Yes
  • Assembled Product Dimensions(L x W x H) 23.43 x 8.27 x 2.76 x Inch(es)

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by Len Cook, on October 14,2021

Awesome purchase

by Rod Leacock, on October 12,2021

Nice and shiny

by Teresa Bennett, on October 11,2021

Very good

by Archer Lucy, on October 10,2021

Five Stars
Better than expected

by Joy Marshall, on October 10,2021

Perfect starter kit!

by Amanda Franklin, on October 09,2021

Perfect for a beginner

by Reg Lily, on October 07,2021

Five Stars
Pretty good

by Myrna Leonard, on October 03,2021

Great sound

by Rita Jerry, on September 25,2021

Nice violin
Love it!

by Elaine Frederick, on September 23,2021

Great for kids

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